Earn Stash Cash on every purchase and other benefits by becoming a Fiber Insider!
When you become a Fiber Insider, you receive the following perks:
Signing up is easy!
When you become a Fiber Insider, you receive the following perks:
- Store credit equal to 10% of your last six purchases;
- 15% off coupon to spend during your birthday month;
- Monthly emails with tips, new products and pattern ideas;
- FREE project consultations (up to 15 minutes);
- Automatic entry into all in-store drawings;
- And more fun surprises to come!
Signing up is easy!
- Complete a Fiber Insider Stash Cash card in-store OR
complete the form below with your NAME, EMAIL, best PHONE and BIRTHDAY. - Stash Cash cards will be kept in-store at the sales counter,
so there’s no risk of losing it! - Present your card at the time of purchase and we’ll fill in the pre-tax amount.
- When you have filled six “pots” with your in-store or online purchases,
you receive in-store credit for 10% of your total, and the process begins again!